Who owns the Collagen Brand?
Collagen is a multi million-dollar global industry attracting all types and sizes of participants all with varying degrees of motives and therefore corporate behaviours. Some of which make false advertising claims around product benefits in breach of Government laws. Collagen products either fall under FSANZ or TGA guidelines.
Multi National Co. Brands
A few popular collagen brands are owned by large multi-national companies which control much of the Australian and New Zealand distribution either directly or indirectly via distributors throughout Supermarkets, Health Stores and Pharmacy channels. Some also having a significant online presence. You may know of or can easily find these brands.
Marketing only Brands
There are also individuals and businesses who operate only as a marketing company, never formulating, touching, making or distributing their
products. They invent a product name, design the sales and marketing strategies
and engage with 3rd party contract manufacturers to formulate, make and then engage with 3rd part logistics companies to pack and send their products, often being sold online and to retail stockists. There are 100’s of brands as you may know. Not all, but some of these products attach exaggerated and illegal health claims on their products, some without nutrition information. Some brand names even promise unsubstanciated benefits.
Full Service Brands
Then there are few businesses; ours being one, that formulates in-house for an end consumer purpose, sources individual ingredients, blends, packs, markets, distributes and supports the product though the complete product journey.
These business own their brands, operate in their own facilities under HACCP certification using their own manufacturing production equipment and are passionate about how they positively impact both the end consumer and partnering businesses.
I guess it’s just called loving to make your own quality product and knowing your own customers! Rare these days! There’s a distinct integrity and passion associated with such businesses that leads to constant innovation and a premium quality product. They’re also great to deal with! You may have experienced a product from a company like this yourself.